1. Problems
Try and resolve problems with your plot neighbours by taking the time to talk with them. They may not realise something they are doing is upsetting you. If your neighbours ignore your concerns and/or their actions are in breach of the rules, you can contact the Secretary; we have a complaints procedure which is detailed below.
If you suspet that produce, plants or tools are being taken from your plot then please take the time to report it, preferbly by email to romfordsmallholders@gmail.com. Unfortunately, there is often little that the Committee can do, but we hope that having a picture of when and where plot thefts are occuring we can build up a picture of problem areas. The more information that we have the more likely we are to be able to help. So, for example, when did you last see the missing item, when did you notice it was missing? Have you considered the possibility that it could have been taken by an animal?
The Trustees, with the help of the Committee, inspect plots on regular occasions throughout the growing season. If your plot is found to be below the expected standard you may be sent a 'warning letter'. If there are extenuating circumstances making it temporarily difficult for you to work your plot then do let us know. Large plots are time consuming and it is often sensible to voluntarily give up some land to allow someone else to use it rather than waiting to be told.
2. Complaints procedure.
The Society's management committee adopted the following complaint procedure for use by all members of the Society with effect from 17 July 2012. It was modified by committee decisions on 16 October 2012 and on 15 January 2013
How to complain
You must write or email the Society's Secretary within 14 days with full details of the event which has given rise to your complaint. Anonymous or unsigned complaints will not be accepted.
The Secretary will write confirming receipt of your complaint. This should be done within 7 days of the date of your letter or email. The letter will be copied to the Chair of the Management Committee so that it can be included in the agenda for the next available meeting.
The Management Committee should make its decision in the matter within 12 weeks. It will write to the complainant via the Secretary with its decision. The decision will be minuted and made available via the Society's website and notice boards. Under the terms of the Society's lease with the Council, the complainant, if unsatisfied with the Committee's decision may take his or her complaint to the Council's allotment's manager *whose decision in the matter will be final.
* James Rose, London Borough of Havering, The Stableblock, Langtons, Billet Lane, Hornchurch, RM11 1XJ
james.rose@havering.gov.uk Email or phone 01708 433868